::Elderly Comics::
::Glorious Fanart::
::Damned Lies::
I know you want
::to leave me::
::Email me::
(for I have no life)

Love Through Art

Obviously, my fans are all gorgeous talented sex gods.

Evelina Fjordstedt-Tuoremaa 1
My first piece of delicious fanart, by Evelina Fjordstedt-Tuoremaa! Look at the gorgeousness of this, Teeny riding Hogarth and Loki's expression and Poet's hair and Burne's eyes! It makes me go all fangirl-y.
Evelina Fjordstedt-Tuoremaa 2
Another beautiful fanart from Evelina Fjordstedt-Tuoremaa. People seem to like Teeny. Except, y'know, Poet.
This one is from my friendly friend Fade, as sort of an art trade. I did some pictures of her RPG characters, she did some fanart for me. It's win-win.
I hope, one day, to get my husband back from her as well. So that he can get all his fingers sewn back on.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.