::Elderly Comics::
::Damned Lies::
I know you want
::to leave me::
::Email me::
(for I have no life)

The Disclaimer Page

i.e. Attention hicks, yokels, the literate elite, mutants, the remainder, etc.


  1. Roxy Comics is not responsible for any epiphany, blunt trauma, arousal, aneurysm, or threat to your manhood you experience while reading this site. You bring your brain in, you pack it out.

  2. Some people are gay.

  3. The youth of America curse. Sailors don't even know half the words they use. And, as Roxy: Comic Book Superhero strives to be a painfully accurate depiction of American youth (ahem), sometimes characters may voice their strong feelings in a manner both uncouth and ungenteel. Also they'll say "fuck" a lot.

  4. Under their clothes, people are naked. Serious. Nipples and everything.

  5. If you send me hate mail, I will print it in full on the disclaimer page, along with an illustration of you that I have produced for my amusement. For example, if you send me an e-mail along the lines of:

    hey fag
    ur so gay. like realy gay.
    love, michael

    then I will draw a picture of you being sodomized by Jerry Falwell. It's only fair.

--Kiru Banzai

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.